Often times the marketing responsibility within a company is grouped with the sales group. It can get lost in the shuffle of day to day tasks and never get the attention needed to produce quantifiable results. A key component of a successful marketing program is consistency in your representation in the marketplace. Companies shy away from using outside agencies because they think the cost will be too high when in reality the cost of an inconsistent marketing approach will have a much larger impact on their bottom line.
Why take the leap and outsource your marketing?
- Dedicated focus for timely project completion: An outside agency is going to focus solely on your marketing initiatives to increase your market presence and lead generation. They are not going to be distracted by intercompany activity. Your blogs, press releases, advertisements and social media will stay at the top of their list instead of taking the back burner to other urgent items.
- Improved analytics for better results: Analyzing the results of your marketing efforts is key to choosing the most effective platforms for your marketing spend. After thorough lead source analysis your marketing agency is going to make recommendations on changes to your program to improve your results.
- Saves you valuable time: All of the items that create an effective marketing program take time, a lot of time. Writing blogs, press releases, and website content are not quick tasks to complete. Brainstorming and developing an ad campaign can also be overwhelming tasks that takes hours out of your week. If you have constant interruptions all day it is difficult to gain the momentum needed to finish a marketing project.
- Scheduled content development for consistency: Your marketing agency can develop an annual content creation plan. They will use this plan to consistently develop and deliver new content to your target market so you are not scrambling to throw something together when you realize that it’s been 3 months since your last blog post.
- Increased efficiency saves you money: Developing a dynamic advertisement or flyer may require the use of programs that are not available in your office or that your staff is not familiar with using. If your staff is not trained in design programs or comfortable with copywriting your content then it is not the most effective use of their office time. Your marketing agency is going to have the resources and skill sets needed to complete your projects efficiently which in the end may cost less than keeping the project in house.