We live in a society where we’re always on the go – constantly plugged in to the world of digital and social media. It has a way of bringing the world closer together while simultaneously making people feel further apart. Sometimes it’s just too overwhelming, and it can be hard to focus.
This happens to companies too. Leaders are being pulled in many different directions by a multitude of internal and external factors. Everyone has an opinion about the best way to do something, and chances are, it’s probably different from the next person.
Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can cause disagreements. And although it’s impossible to avoid some arguments, there are a few steps you can take to minimize them and keep everyone focused!
- Core competencies. These are the things you do best. Your key strengths. Think about it from the perspective of your customers. How would they describe your brand? These competencies are the reason why a customer would choose your brand over another. Know why each one is important, and if certain ones work together to add value.
- Competitive advantage. What makes you stand out from the ever-growing crowd? The wow factor. That is your competitive advantage. Maybe it’s one of your core competencies, or even a combination of them. It should also be sustainable – create value that will last so you can take advantage of the increased brand awareness and loyalty that will continue to grow over time.
- Short-term goals. As both a company and an individual, it is important to accept the fact that progress and success don’t happen overnight. It’s kind of like climbing a mountain. You can’t go from the bottom to the summit instantaneously. Time takes time, and you must learn how to walk before you can run. Use these milestones as stepping stones along the path to your ultimate end goal(s).
- Long-term goals. On the other side of the coin, it is important to continuously consider the future too. See where you want to be in one year, five years, or even ten years down the line. Maybe a combination of short-term goals helps you reach a long-term one. This is where strategy is essential for success – determine what steps must be taken to achieve your bigger objectives.
- Mission statement. Why are you doing what you’re doing? This is what it all comes down to. The why. Why does it matter to you? Besides the obvious reason of making money, of course. Dollars can only take you so far. Having passion and a love for what you do separates the good brands from the great ones. So, stay focused, and be great.